Beauty Point Boomers WIN The April Shuffleboard Tournament!
Posted on April 05, 2019
At the recent inter-village Shuffleboard Tournament, held at Beauty Point Retirement Resort, the Beauty Point Boomers were the overall winners!
It was a tightly-contested Tournament and while the Frank Vickery Victors from Frank Vickery Village and the Mary Andrews Village team played extremely well, in the end it was the Beauty Point Boomers who won the Tournament.
The trophy for the inter-village Shuffleboard Tournament.
As the Boomers’ captain, Alessandra Copeta, said: “We were very happy about it. There were quite a few people watching – people from Beauty Point and some people from the other villages – so we all had fun.”
“Of course, we love the game, so that makes it even easier,” she added. “We play twice a week here at the resort so we keep up-to-speed.”
The last puck can win so it stays exciting
The Shuffleboard Inter-Village Tournament started years ago when Steve Mortimer, who used to play rugby for the Bulldogs, thought it would be a good idea to set up a tournament within the retirement village community.
“My main focus is to hold the tournament at lifestyle villages. It’s just a great game and the good thing about it is, even if you’re a good player, you’re not going to win all the time,” he said. “It keeps it exciting because theoretically, the last puck can still win the game and that keeps it exciting.”
Steve added: “It’s perfect for retirement villages because you can play from a Zimmer frame or even a wheel chair. It doesn’t matter because it’s the skill you have that wins the game.”