Reaching out to our residents – balcony chat
Posted on July 29, 2021
From the team here at Beauty Point we hope you are all coping well during the current lockdown. We are reaching out to our Beauty Point Residents daily to see if there is anything they need or to have that connection that can be greatly missed during a lock down. We have recently introduced a 10am ‘quick chat’ from the safe distance of our residents’ balconies. Lisa Papahristos our Beauty Point Manager will walk around Beauty Point checking in with any residents who have any questions, to see if they need anything or be there for a quick chat.
It’s simple, they enjoy the beautiful views from their balcony and enjoy a chat with Lisa. No appointments needed.
This is not the only way to keep in contact. Our team are still on-site 24/7 and happy to provide you with what you need.
Remember, let us know what you need, talk to your neighbours across your verandas, read a good book (which we will deliver if you ask), cook up a storm (we are ready and willing to be your tasters!), anything that brings a smile to your face or makes you happy.
Rest assured we are at the village and available by phone on 02 8708 4700, or a safe socially distanced appointment, by Zoom or Facetime. Please call Lisa with any questions.